PHILIP’S HOUSE is a BRIDGE to Israel and greater influence.
PLAN your tour
No cookie-cutter Israel trips allowed. Customize your Israel experience. Connect your trip with the vision you have for your group.
Some say one trip to Israel is worth a year in Bible College. Step into your Bible. Get the same sand in your shoes that the disciples shook from their sands.
JOIN a tour
Israelis are open to visitors who listen and help. Visit Bible sites with no crowds. Plus help displaced families, brave soldiers, and short-handed farmers and new immigrants.
TOUCH Israel
Get Israel delivered to your home, plus help small business owners in Israel, with a gift box from Artza. Plus there is a promo code to save 25% on your subscription.
HEAR more
Put on your sneakers, take a walk, and listen to a podcast about Israel. It’s a way to begin training for your next tour.
ASK questions
Is travel to Israel possible? Yes. Never have the people of Israel been more receptive to friends from other nations who will help and listen in this difficult time.